Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Summer Update~!

Some of you may have been wondering where ive been! Wanted to let everyone know i am still just an email away. Have been dancing for my main majority of the time. The other half i am getting experience and work in the medical field as a Certified Nurse Assistant. Time to get everything moving! I hope to stay in contact with my lovers and friends on the internet. As i plan to still do shows and photoshoots. Look for me once aweek. Working on my schedule as soon as I have a regular schedule. For now just keep up to date with me on my twitter page. Ya'll know me! Im having a great time in the club with all my old and now new,girlfriends. I am still wanting my always and forever GIRLFRIEND MYA to return once again. I send my love and kisses to each and everyone of you that have been with me thru my whole MFC time. I look forward to seeing everyone tonight LIVE on mfc/ 7:30 CT For some much needed love.. XOXOXxo

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