Friday, February 7, 2014

Big Year Ahead

Hope everyone had a great holiday. I am looking to update some of my content. Have personally had a great start to my year. Got to spend some much needed time with Bambi aka Mya. Came down and spent a month with me. Looking for her again in the summer. Meanwhile enjoying my current girl Bunny miss blonde. So I've had my hands full. Between that and dancing I really haven't had a lot of time to webcam. So I've been lacking and slacking on you guys. I hope to be up and running pretty full speed with it this year. Really need a new laptop to broadcast from. Mine is about 4 year old now and full of pictures. Slowing it down. So hopefully that will be something I invest in soon. Any donations towards it would be appreciated:) a really good way to keep up to date with me is twitter. I'm on there weekly. With big moves and pictures. Miss and send you all my love and kisses!!